Thursday, 31 March 2011
Icelight - The Cover

Tuesday, 29 March 2011
We Read It Like This
All parents and grandparents of babies and young children should check out a new blog called We Read It Like This. It takes a different approach from other children’s book websites and blogs by concentrating of the personal experience of reading very special books aloud. It’s well worth a look for the books it recommends – and it is beautifully written.
Friday, 25 March 2011
We now have a new title for Peter Cotton 3.
It is to be called Icelight. The cover is presently being corrected.
As soon as I receive a copy, I’ll put it up for all to see.
Do different titles affect the way people feel about a book?
Thursday, 17 March 2011
There’s ‘Blacklight’ ... and then there’s ‘Black Light’.
A confession – I had never heard of the SAW franchise. That’s another way of saying I don’t watch horror movies. In consequence I hadn’t heard of Marcus Dunstan and Patrick Melton who wrote four of the movies. And I was unaware of Stephen Romano who has joined with them in a book called Black Light to be published in the UK by Mullholland Books (Hodder) in time for Halloween this year.
Two of the authors are quoted as saying “Black Light is a novel about a private eye (Buck Carlsbad) who gets in deep with a bunch of ghosts on a high-tech bullet train”.
Of course I wish them well.
The only small problem is that, for some months now, John Murray have announced my next Cotton novel as Blacklight. John Murray and Hodder are in the same building and belong to the same company. Black Light is coming out first in the US.
So my Peter Cotton title has to be SAWn off, or ghost trained.
For the moment then we are back to calling it Cotton 3. As soon as the new title is fixed I’ll report.